Friday, October 18, 2019

The UK Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The UK Economy - Research Paper Example â€Å"One fundamental change causing rising inactivity is the dramatic weakening of demand for unskilled labor since at least the mid-1970s. This is mainly due to technological change, which has favored the more educated – for example, computer use – and, to a lesser extent, globalization – exports from countries with many unskilled workers†. Changes that affected the UK market considerably much vast for describing the changes that have happened throughout the recent recession, it is positive to appear at the relative positions of each group previous to this. Several groups are significantly better than others. The changes in the economic conditions of the UK market are in the various forms and they are like the changing the labor market, changing organizations and the changes in the education and the skills.Employment in the UK is characterized by age, gender, ethnicity as well as physical fitness, a growth of workforce in the United Kingdom for the last century has been so unstable, for example considering the graph shown below, which illustrates the employment rate based on age and gender in the year 2007. This trend affects organizations labor as one of the factors of production. This clearly reflects the pattern of employment in the UK.The figure above shows employment rate for men and women in London by age, as seen, working age women have a lower rate than men i.e. 63% and 77% respectively, where as employment rate of women with children and that of women without children is the same.

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